Thursday, May 31, 2012

Footloose Helps Everything!

So had a really bad day.  To start the day off I had a dream that my sister was going into labor and called me out of school to "tap" in for Matt because he was in Colorado. In my dream I freaked and ran out of my class without getting anyone to watch them and just told them to "read till I get back." As I ran to the car some how I got those big yellow rubber gloves you use when washing dishes and put them on and drove to pick up my sister. I don't know what I was planning to use the gloves for, but I really hope that is not what delivering a baby really involves. Then I woke up and got ready for school hoping my dream would not become a reality. Matt I know you can't hear me right now, but please don't make me tap in for the delivery of MP2. You know I will if needed, however I would greatly prefer not to.

The rest of the day was filled with boring, slightly sexist training, where I learned all the things that would have helped me at the beginning of the year. Thanks MKU, for making me feel like I have not properly taught my students anything and now they are going to forget everything I bestowed on them. I feel awesome today.

On the way home I stopped at AMC to pick up tickets for our field trip tomorrow to the Hunger Games for my 7th graders. When I got there and tried to buy my 91 child tickets and 8 adult tickets for a total of 99 tickets the usher said that the theater only held 87. sigh. After talking to a manager and having him call his supervisor, (who might I add I talked to earlier in the week warning them that I was coming), and me looking over my list of kids seeing if there are any that I could get suspended before tomorrows field trip to bring down the number, the manager came and told me they could switch the theater to accommodate me. Breathe. I got all the tickets and drove home, which took an hour due to an accident.

Got informed the guy who was suppose to move in June 1st is bailing. Awesome. Then my friend who I was suppose to hang out with tonight totally bailed, for the third time. What is with that? Seriously I hate that! If you can't hang out when we have plans, I might be sad, but I will find something else to do. Don't have me wait 3 hours just to ditch me. Not cool Kool Aid.

However, my roommates and I all sad around my computer, because we don't have a TV, and watched Footloose. Nothing can make your bad day better then Kevin Bacon dancing around and doing gymnastics and having a bro-mance teaching his BFF how to dance so he can impress Rusty. There is honestly nothing better. Well "Let's hear it for the Boys"

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