Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Letting go of the Ohana, part 2-Oh the dreaded graduation goggles!

I am a true believer in the graduation goggles. A special thanks goes out to How I Met Your Mother for putting a name to feeling I have feeling my entire life.  For those of you who are not cool enough to know what I am talking about, graduation goggles is "the relief and nostalgic feeling one has about a time in their life when it is about to end, even if the time was completely miserable." This is the perfect thing to describe this weirdly intense feeling I am feeling at the moment. 

While my last year of teaching was at best helpful for future teaching endeavors, I would not call it fun... I learned a lot about what kind of teacher I don't want to be and even more about what kind of administration I don't want to work for, but there are not many moments I would want to repeat. I love my students and love their joy for writing, I know I am equally as shocked to be writing this, but most of the time I did not want to get out of bed to go to school. (I know I like my bed an awful lot, but most days I actually don't mind getting out of it.) I felt like a women in her ninth month of pregnancy, miserable. My racist, passive aggressive, sexist admin made my life a living hell at school most days, but now that it is almost to an end I don't want to let go. I don't want other people to be teaching my kids, they are mine god damn it, I am not possessive I promise. Being a lover of change is not a new concept for Allie Roush, however this recent change is slowly breaking my heart. While most teachers are counting down the days till the end of school and the start of summer, I am holding on to every last minute of the time I have left with my Ohana.

Honestly I think the majority of this painful countdown is the realization that I am going to have to spend the summer without my team. I work with 5 wonderful people who I have spent the whole years pain and suffering with, and our relationship has grown it to one of the most magnificent co worker friendship I have ever had. Now I usually get a long really great with co workers, but this is something special. I have never worked so well with a group of people. To my point our kids try to "play parents" on us, by asking one teacher something and then when they don't get the answer they want they go to another teacher to try again. We have gotten so good at catching them do this because we know each other so well that we know what the other person would say. God my team is fucking awesome.

Maybe I should look at this in a positive light... I get to keep my team next year. Yeah! and we are so strong that next year is going to be 5,000 time better!

Okay Graduation goggles off positive sun glasses looking forward to my summer va-ca on!  

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